87 research outputs found

    Formative processes with applications to the decision problem in set theory: II. powerset and singleton operators, finiteness predicate

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    In this paper we solve the satisfiability problem of an extended fragment of set computable theory which "forces the infinity" by a fruitful use of the witness small model property and the theory of formative processes.Comment: this paper has been withdrawn since it has been completely revise

    XML Matchers: approaches and challenges

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    Schema Matching, i.e. the process of discovering semantic correspondences between concepts adopted in different data source schemas, has been a key topic in Database and Artificial Intelligence research areas for many years. In the past, it was largely investigated especially for classical database models (e.g., E/R schemas, relational databases, etc.). However, in the latest years, the widespread adoption of XML in the most disparate application fields pushed a growing number of researchers to design XML-specific Schema Matching approaches, called XML Matchers, aiming at finding semantic matchings between concepts defined in DTDs and XSDs. XML Matchers do not just take well-known techniques originally designed for other data models and apply them on DTDs/XSDs, but they exploit specific XML features (e.g., the hierarchical structure of a DTD/XSD) to improve the performance of the Schema Matching process. The design of XML Matchers is currently a well-established research area. The main goal of this paper is to provide a detailed description and classification of XML Matchers. We first describe to what extent the specificities of DTDs/XSDs impact on the Schema Matching task. Then we introduce a template, called XML Matcher Template, that describes the main components of an XML Matcher, their role and behavior. We illustrate how each of these components has been implemented in some popular XML Matchers. We consider our XML Matcher Template as the baseline for objectively comparing approaches that, at first glance, might appear as unrelated. The introduction of this template can be useful in the design of future XML Matchers. Finally, we analyze commercial tools implementing XML Matchers and introduce two challenging issues strictly related to this topic, namely XML source clustering and uncertainty management in XML Matchers.Comment: 34 pages, 8 tables, 7 figure

    Effective Retrieval of Resources in Folksonomies Using a New Tag Similarity Measure

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    Social (or folksonomic) tagging has become a very popular way to describe content within Web 2.0 websites. However, as tags are informally defined, continually changing, and ungoverned, it has often been criticised for lowering, rather than increasing, the efficiency of searching. To address this issue, a variety of approaches have been proposed that recommend users what tags to use, both when labeling and when looking for resources. These techniques work well in dense folksonomies, but they fail to do so when tag usage exhibits a power law distribution, as it often happens in real-life folksonomies. To tackle this issue, we propose an approach that induces the creation of a dense folksonomy, in a fully automatic and transparent way: when users label resources, an innovative tag similarity metric is deployed, so to enrich the chosen tag set with related tags already present in the folksonomy. The proposed metric, which represents the core of our approach, is based on the mutual reinforcement principle. Our experimental evaluation proves that the accuracy and coverage of searches guaranteed by our metric are higher than those achieved by applying classical metrics.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, CIKM 2011: 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Managemen

    Application of formative processes to the decision problem in set theory

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    As part of a project aimed at the implementation of a proof-checker based on  the set-theoretic formalism, the decision problem in set theory has been studied very intensively, starting in the late seventies.Several results have been produced in the first decade of research, giving rise to the novel field of computable set theory. At that point, it already was clear that to face the tremendous amount of technicalities involved in the combination of smaller decidable fragments into larger ones, new techniques were in order.Such techniques have recently emerged, by a careful analysis of the formation process of disjoint families of sets. This has led to the characterization of suitable decidable conditions for the satisfiability of set-theoretic formulae belonging to specific collections.In this paper we give an elementary introduction to the formative process technique and discuss some open problems

    Seismological constraints for the dyke emplacement of the July-August 2001 lateral eruption at Mt. Etna volcano, Italy

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    In this paper we report seismological evidence regarding the emplacement of the dike that fed the July 18 - August 9, 2001 lateral eruption at Mt. Etna volcano. The shallow intrusion and the opening of the eruptive fracture system, which mostly occurred during July 12, and July 18, were accompanied by one of the most intense seismic swarms of the last 20 years. A total of 2694 earthquakes (1 £ Md £ 3.9) were recorded from the beginning of the swarm (July 12) to the end of the eruption (August 9). Seismicity shows the upward migration of the dike from the basement to the relatively thin volcanic pile. A clear hypocentral migration was observed, well constraining the upwards propagation of a near-vertical dike, oriented roughly N-S, and located a few kilometers south of the summit region. Earthquake distribution and orientation of the P-axes from focal mechanisms indicate that the swarm was caused by the local stress source related to the dike intrusion

    Semi-automatic approaches and tools for the extraction and the exploitation of intentional knowledge from heterogeneous information sources

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    Dottorato di ricerca in ingegneria dei sistemi ed informatica. 12. ciclo. A. a. 1998-99. Coordinatore Manlio Gaudioso. Tutore Domenico Sacca'Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Cooperative Information Systems: property extraction, global scheme synthesis and WWW access

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    In this paper a general approach for constructing and managing Cooperative Information Systems is presented. The approach consists of several steps. The first step derives some terminological properties (such as inclusions, homonymies and synonymies) among objects belonging to different schemes (interscheme properties). These can be used during the next step which consists of the derivation of complex structural properties from simple ones; the derivation is supported by a particular Description Logic enriched with plausibility factors. All extracted properties are given in input to algorithms for database integration, abstraction and repository construction which form the third step of our approach. The constructed repository can be used as a particular form of mediator in a Cooperative Information System architecture which uses WWW interfaces for user querying, and TCP/IP communication for database accessing. The corresponding system, called NET R, is presented in more details. 1 Res..